Thursday, April 3, 2008

This afternoon after lunch we did puzzles downstairs. Also watched Bob the builder. Hope we can do more group games when the team gets here.
The boys in the corner working on floor puzzles.
The girls and Hermann at one table working on puzzles
Hermann concentrating on getting the pieces out. Naitile has her puzzle together already.

Samara watches as Samendia does a Disney puzzle.
Jonas was into the floor puzzle.

Juliene is right there with Jefferson getting the John Deer puzzle together.
Jonas is doing a victory dance as the boys finshed their floor puzzle.

Took a trip upstairs while the ball playing was going on downstairs-here is what I saw.
Kathia in her bounser.

Jamesly is hard to see with his thumb in his mouth.

What a pair! Anchise and Rebecca.

Jonathan gave me that look as if to say are you not going to get me out of this bed!

Glory is jut sitting and taking it all in.
Stephania is at the upstairs hair dressers. Always a head of hair that needs attention.

Snack break for the school kids.Samara thinks cheese sandwiches are ok.

The flash surprised Naitile.

Reece is playing shy.

Steven is enjoying his sandwich.

6 kids from upstairs were downstairs while the older ones are at school. I sent balls down to play with and they had a Ball!

Kervens ball got away from him.

Jean Baptist has a bright orange all.

Whose in this group? Layla,Sarah,Ellie,Daniel, and Nicot.

Layla and Sarah.

Kervens is trying to hatch his ball.

Daniel is giving his ball a squeeze.

Sarah just wants her hair done and Natasha is busy getting it done.
Alixson is looking up at the camera-needs to keep his eye on the ball.

don't know what Layla is looking at.

Ellie just wants to hold her ball.

Taina's ball got away from her.

Ellie still has a hold on her ball.


It's Gonna Be Me said...

I am bringing the game "Memory" down, Sandy! Bet the kids will love this for an afternoon activity.

See you soon!

Kathy Eden said...

That's a good one Colleen! Thanks for the great pictures Sandy...looks like a lot of good things going on!

Abbie said...

Looks like a fun day Sandy, Thanks for all your hard work and love for the kids!

Anonymous said...

Colleen,we have memory games but I forget to play them!HA HA!
No I a going to try again in my small groups because the times I have trie it has been a free for all.

Sarah and Tim said...

Oh Sandy, these are just faboulous pictures. Thanks for taking the time to do this for all us adoptive parents. It helps the wait not hurt so much!!!

angela said...

thanks for sharing all those pictures!!

Kristina said...

WOW! I bet most of your day was spent photographing! Thank you so much!