Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It is Tuesday morning and the big kids are in school-The ten below came downstairs to play.
Rebecca and Jean Baptist. Rebecca is moving the bed.

Sarah has the favorite toy here(the top of the culligan water bottle).

Kervens looks sad but he was having fun. I think he thought he was in trouble because I called his name to look at me.

Taina came to me so she could have her picture taken,Think she wanted you to see her sticker.

Layla is a cute cat.

Justin did not pet the dog. but he is having fun.

Alixson has been looking out the window at the dog. He and Nicot petted the dog. Taina

Ellie and her serious look.

Shakira sitting nicely getting her hair done.


Abbie said...

So glad to see that Annabella (Taina) is interested in backpacks - she will be getting one for her birthday in June! :o)

Thanks for the pictures Sandy - I'm so glad to see the playful side of our daughter every now and then!

Kathy Eden said...

I hope Shakira sits that still when I do her hair after she comes home :o)

angela said...

that is a GREAT justin shot!! i love it!