Thursday, April 10, 2008

I get the feeling things are calming down-all our staff made it to work. Jr. I guess found gas because I hear the generator running.This morning we traced hands and feet for our families. the feet were so I can see how we are with shoes and sandles here at the O. Puzzles and blockes in the afternoon. A few played with the light and bright.

Hermann with the blocks his grandpa Jon brought him. He is guarding his stack because Jonas is not far away.
Elmise also enjoyed the blocks.
Ever go shopping with girls? well today was try on clothes day. Elmise and Belle help Matu slip on some pants. All the kids downstairs are getting three new changes of clothes. I want these to be their clothes but I don't know if I can pull that off. Was so looking forward to the organizing things Colleen was bringing.
Whose ear is this? I failed picture taking while holding him.

Well it is Daniel and he is all eyes and hands with the light and bright.


It's Gonna Be Me said...

Wonderful news to hear everyone made it into work today. Praise the Lord for their safety! We continue to pray for all of you.

The pjs, boxes, show rack, puzzles organizers and all are packed and ready to go. I will get it all down there as soon as I can, Sandy. I promise!!!


Sarah and Tim said...

I am so happy to hear that all the nannies were able to make it in!! Our prayers are being answered! Praise God!

Also, thanks for the pic of Daniel! He is sooo cute, even from the side, I would recognize that ear anywhere!

livingpurereligion said...

Can I just say that Colleen is SO AMAZING?!?!

I'm so sad that I won't get to see you and hug my kids next Saturday as planned. Not sure when I'm coming, but I'm coming AS SOON AS I CAN!

Kiss my babies for me!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord the nannies arrived! Its so hard to watch the news and know we have kiddos down there. Thank you sandy for taking care of them when we cannot be there. How fun to see Hermann playing with the blocks! Rob is keeping the puzzles and toys and clothes all packed and he will be there as soon as he can. blessings...
rob and jessica