Monday, May 12, 2008

This was Tues. afternoon it was doll and toy time in my room. I started with the younger ones first. May post more of that day but want to post this while I have Electricity. Pray the diesel situation improves here.
Reece with Thomas the train.

Steven,Samendia,Belle,and Reece picking a doll or something to play with.

Shakira wanted to take the doll with her but that would mean certain death!

Samara had a good time also. She was very imaginative in her playing.

Nancy really enjoyed playing with the dolls and it held her attention for over 1/2 hr.

Shakira is headed downstairs but I stopped her.
Sakira is pulling Thomas through my room.

Nata, Bethay and Nancy playing with dolls

Daniel is taking a good look at Thomas the train.

The show off!! Does he get that from his dad? Jefferson was showing some moves. Jonas is busy with his bag I discovered he was in Ellies bag because his has no candy left but her's does.

Fritzson and a tow truck.
Today I started with the younger kids in my room for 1/2 hr. of play. Hermann only lasted 15 min.,he is getting better.
I took this picture to show the night staff what the clothes shelf should look like. Tomorrow I will post how they left it.

Taina is all stretched out-she is getting so tall.
Jamesly wanted to climb on the stander.
Front view of Stephania in her stander. She loves it.
Back view of Stephania in her stander.


Kathy Eden said...

Great pictures Sandy! That's awesome they are into the imaginative play. I am so happy to see Stephania in her stander.

livingpurereligion said...

LOVE to see the kids using their imagination! SO IMPORTANT!!!

Great to see Stephania using her stander!

CG said...

Oh, that stander is so sweet. I'll be she is so happy with her new view!

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Bravo to Stephy and to those who made that stander a reality for our little girl. Yeah!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

It is great to see Stephania standing tall! You go, Girl!

Angela said...

Wow, that stander is really neat. I've never seen one of those. I'm so excited for Stephania.

Sandy, I know I say this way too much but I want you to know how awesome it is that you post pictures all the time. When I am missing the kids, I know I am only a click away from seeing their pretty little faces and learning about what they did that day. For that, I thank you a hundred times. Thank you!!!

Lara said...

Oh wow - the stander is incredible! I love seeing the kids playing so nicely with the toys. I remember one time at St. Joe's, Fritzson threw Jonas' ball over the wall...not to be mean, but he just didn't understand!

Kristina said...

Thank you Sandy for the pictures.

It is so good to see the stander being used! I work with a little girl a lot like Stepania. This will really help her!

And jonas....why does it not surprise me he was after food? I have never used locks on my cabnets in the kitchen, not even when my kids were little, but I may need to use them to train that boy about food!

It is so great to see the kids learning to play with belongings!