Saturday, May 3, 2008

I pulled these from the drafts because I lost them when my computer crashed while talking to Jessica,Elmise and Hermans mom. The kids in this picture have just come up from church and have gotten out of their church clothes, I have given them a sucker and they are all happy. Rebecca,Layla,Alixson,Kevens,Nicot

Hanging arou

Reece has Jonathan on his lap the others are watching the singing group leave.

Church is over but they are taking advantage of the moment.
I have only a few church pictures as I was getting things ready for this afternoon and did not get downstairs till church was over.

Now we know why Daniel has put on so much weight-Jewtaun feeds him on the side.
You would like to think Rebecca is blowing you a kiss but in reality she is putting a gummy bear in her mouth.

1 comment:

livingpurereligion said...

Who my girl stuffing her mouth??? Nah! She's blowing her mommy kisses!

Thanks for sharing these precious pictures!

Can't wait to see pictures of all the adoptive parents and their kids!

Have fun!