Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Just some more pictures...

Will post more but the internet is in and out so will post what I have. the July 1 post was started July 1 but was also more recent pictures.

Justin's chin is cleared up. He is looking for more snack-I told him tomorrow. Rebecca loves to stop by for a snack from her mom.
Justin and Ellie
Older kids hanging up clothes.

Anchise loved this toy.
Justin enjoyed playing.
Kervins wanted to snack and play.
Shannon,note even Michelle can pour the jugs!!!
I don't think I want Anchise to do my hair-ouch!!!

Ellie and Anchise with doll stuff.
Kaitlyn playing alphabet B INGO with the older kids
Sarah liked this toy also-thanks Colleen.
Play time.
What a cute pair-Sarah and Samara.
Ca,leb enjoyed his apple sauce and then played with the truck.
Layla makiung sure her baby gets a bottle.
Kervens and Laylay both like the phone.

Stephania's eyes light up with this toy.

1 comment:

Shannon H. said...

Michelle has better jugs than I.