Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 10th. A hole is being dug for the wash water.The kids line up to go upstairs for praise time.

Diaper change time for Rebecca

Check out all the muscle men
Justin gets new pictures from mom and dad.
The kids love to help.

VBS this afternoon.
One craft.
Stephania standing with a little help.
The little ones from upstairs join the VBS crafts
Natile makes a cross.
Justin,Ellie,and Bethany use markers
Matu reaches for colors.

Elmise enjoying the craft.
Sarah likes being held.

Samara shows her angel.Jonas has a head band-sure it is not a halo!!!
Jefferson so joyfull.
  • The bowling group.

Taina bowling.


Abbie said...

Several members of this team were there last October as well. We were added on to their team the week we went to meet Annabella Taina. Tell Eric that Nario & Abbie say "hi".

Thanks for the pictures Sandy, VBS looks like fun!!

Kristina said...


Thanks Sandy!

Kathy Eden said...

That's awesome that they are doing VBS!!! Tell Samara Mommy said her Angel is very beautiful...just like her! :o)

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Looks like lots of fun is happening this week! Thank you for sharing with us!

Missy said...

hi there :) my daughter is there now. mckenzie......could you give her a big hug from her family!


CG said...

I'm so happy the kids get so much love and attention and get to do so many neat activities when teams come through (and when they're not there as well.) For living in an orphanage they are mighty blessed. Man, Justin just fell in love with those striped flip-flops I brought him a few weeks back. I'm glad to see he still has them. They only cost $1 at Target!

kelly said...

It's so uplifting to see them so happy and doing so much!!! Thank you!