Thursday, July 31, 2008

Posting these because auto save is failing and I don't want to loose them

Natile and Samara.
Samara and Elmise

Jeffy and Jonas
peterson with a ball.

Caleb sucking his thumb.
Kaitlyn and Dave
Sarah getting her hair done ,she was so good sitting still.
Stephania was so excited she almost jumped out of her chair.
Kathia cilling!!
Layla trying to get her shoe on.
Kertvens playing shy.
Nicot did a cute little dance.
Taina can't make up her mind which book she wants.

Jean Baptist got his ball back.
Peterson and Daniel play and sing with Jutann.
Justin took his thumb out of his mouth because I asked him to for the picture.
Jamesly slept through it all.
Anchise likes books too.
Peterson sitting looking at a book-he does not sit often.

A Rebecca look-don't cross her.
Glory very somber.

Jonathan and Caleb were getting their bath-soon the will be powder babies!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kaitlyn called me to take a picture of Rebecca and Kervens on a bike together-it was not staged. Kids kept blocking my view but evetually I got a clear shot.
What a pair.
Jonathan love being outside.
Ellie was playing monkey.
Jons called me to make sure I got his picture.
Nicot and Daniel on the climber-thanks Jeremie it is still all together!!!
I don't know what the hand on the hip was about.
Reece was taking Jonathan under hand.
Looks like Matu is going to the movies-she is picking her seat.

Kids playing with Maggies daughters hair.
What a sweet face Taina-reminds me of the little girl with a curl in the middle of her head.
Maggies daughter serounded by kids. They are intrigued with her hair.
Christine mashing beans for lunch. A food processor will be nice.
The wash crew! Yes we need more tubs-hope the imbargo on tubs is lifted. That is Nichole's younger sister in the middle. Note the change at first I said mother but was miss informed.
This lady does Jimmies wash.
View of the wash area.
The deep hole that ronald dug is uder this slab of concrete
-Lucianie asked for a tarp to keep the sun off them -Ronald will do that today.

Lucianie and Christine(a cook) that wanted in the picture scrup diapers.

Carrine poses in t

Estella is working for Christina . they keep our floors as clean as possible.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kaitlyn had Glory in today to looki at family pictures and play and play she did almost 2hrs.

elmise came up and I couldnt pass up a pecture of this hqair do with the beautiful face.