Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We are almost ready to reveal our total project.
Belle with her extra flare!

Naitile wasn't sure what she was to do.

Bethany loves stickers.

Hope inching her way to the balcony.

Samara having a hard time keeping focused.

Nancy put her art work behind her head.

Hermann and his sticker mask.

The pose by Jonas.

I think Daniel is left handed.
Think Hermann is poutting because I took his sticker mask off.

Jonas is a cut up!


livingpurereligion said...

I hereby nominate Sandy Miller for the blogger of the year award. Seriously, thanks so much for all of the wonderful posts! We are SO grateful!

Can't wait to see what the children have made!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

I am sooo stumped as to what this banner will say. I am trying to cheat and enlarge the photos to see what the kids are drawing. It's not helping...

Kathy Eden said...

I agree with Cara!'re too cheating allowed! :o)

Kristina said...

Sandy, you are such a teaser!!! I can not figure it out.

Jonas, you are such a handsome little thing! I can't wait till you are making pictures for our frig!

Angela said...

That's my girl...all about the extra flair. :)

angela said...

i can't wait to see the final result!! it will be great! you're keeping us at the edge of our seats!!