Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The big smile is because of the new toothbrushes. All the downstairs kids got a fire fly toothbrush that lights up for one minute while you brush.

Jonas thinks it is cool.

They lined up pretty good to get their brushes.

Jeff thinks they are cool also but as you note he does not intend to get cold.

Can't tell who that is but they want you to see the tooth brush.
Ever see kids in the US get excited about a tooth brush?


angela said...

nope, we sure don't see that here. how is the toothbrush storage working out for you? always was an issue for me!!
great smiles all around!

Shannon H. said...

uh, actually, my kids still get weirdly excited about new toothbrushes...

It rocked their world to get one of those light-up ones. Livi would yell "Cal cheated!" if he stopped before the light went off.

Always something to bicker about :)

Angela said...

Yeah for fun toothbrushes!!! I love seeing those smiles. Nata's hair looks really cool. Very random but worth mentioning. :)

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Angela, my dad made toothbrush holders out of plastic cutting board-type material. He drilled holes in them and they hang on the wall. The holder can be cleaned and disinfected and all the brushes sit separately without touching one another...

My kids LOVE the light-up brushes, too! They are good for the kiddos who don't want to brush for at least one minute.

It's great to see all those pearly whites. Thanks, Sandy!

livingpurereligion said...

Actually, one of Anna's favorite Christmas presents was a Hannah Montana toothbrush that plays (very annoying) music while she brushes her teeth. Can't wait for the battery to die on that one!

I'm so glad the kids got cool toothbrushes and for all of their excitement.

Kathy Eden said...

Glad they like the toothbrushes! Phoebe also gets excited about a new toothbrush. Toothpaste...not so much :o)

Kristina said...

Arew you sure that's Jonas? It looks like Herman to me.

I'm so glad they like the toothbrushes! they all have such beautiful teeth!

Shannon H. said...

Thank you Colleen for the remedy to our toothbrush dilemma - I think we've been trying to figure that fix out for quite some time now...

I remember some emails from You-You who was pretty grossed out at the jumbled brushes. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes Kristina you caught me,it is Hermann and not Jonas. Will post a picture of the brush holders
Sandy. Colleen ,Rodger put them in upside down but I did not catch it till it was done so we have brackets showing-eat your heart out Martha Stewart.