Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Up and at em atom ant! That is what I used to say to my kids on school days. You see they are up folding their blankets-anything for a gummy bear!

Lots of blankets being folded.

Must have been Samara's turn her seat is empty. The others wait.

Waiting their turn to be dressed. No wild running around-what a change.

Shoes set out and all is ready to get them dressed.

Madam Valet putting the finishing oil on their faces-OH how they shine!

Jonas looks sharp-we could use a few small shirts. Think his shoes will shine like that after school?

Mia chillinout. I missed the line up as I had to go to the nursery ,will try to get that tomorrow.


Kathy Eden said...

Gummy bears...now that's an incentive! I like how they are nicely waiting their turn to be dressed...that's awesome!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

I would sit patiently for a gummy bear, too!. :) Great job, morning crew! I cannot wait to see this all in person...25 days! Yahoo!

angela said...

mia!! you crack me up! and, no! no way will jonas' shoes look like that at the end of the day. when he gets home at 10 for snack, his shirt is untucked, belt coming off, pants dirty, shirt has cheetoes wiped on them and shoes untied. but ready to hug!! i love these kids!!